
Wednesday 25 November 2020

~Fake News~

Konbanwa Everyone! 

These past few weeks we have been learning a lot of things about media and like my other post we were constructing out own type of media to ;w; Since we did that about 2 weeks ago last week we were learning about fake medias and how to spot when something is most likely FAKE!

One of the clues is when the URL will have something like at the end or another clue is that if you can search up on google and if it comes up with things that irrelevant to the topic than that means it is fake. Another clue is when they use click bait so they can have a pic of something but when you read it is about something totally different ;p

After learning a bunch of things about fake media we were challenged to make our own kind of news  about something and then write about something different from what the title of our article is about! Here is mine. 

I did mine on Piktochart and i didn't really know what to do so I just came up with this!


Thursday 19 November 2020

♡~Food Critic~♡


Since, I'm pretty sure 2 weeks ago, we have been looking at different types of medias e.g ads and social medias and different kind of things like that and we have also been learning about constructing medias as well ;p

After learning about these different things and steps to make your own kind of media we went off and were challenged to make our own kind of media about something that has happened at school, let it be maybe about camp and different things like that! I decided that I would do one writing as a food critic and talking about the foods that we had at camp

My site is called "reallifeanimefood?" ;) I also made my article kind of thing on Piktochart! I put different ads on the side as well which was something that we were told to include. I can't put the pic of my thing here because the ads won't work so here is the link to it!

Wednesday 23 September 2020

Maths DLO


Since this week I´m pretty sure, I have been working on a maths DLO for changing improper fractions into whole numbers and vice versa on book creator which has been really fun to do! I found it really fun to use and it was also my first time using it to ;w;. I also didn´t find anything about it hard at all so that was nice to but I´m not able to post it rn but it will be coming later on. 

I think you should all use this app sometime to! 


Maori Language Week!

 Kia Ora ;)

Last week, as you may know, was Maori Language week! Since it was Maori Language week in our reading tasks we had to make a DLO of some sort teaching about Maori and the different things to it like the alphabet for example. This was also when our class learnt about a site called book creator which we use a lot now!

I was going to do it on book creator but then I kind of got annoyed and ended up doing it on google slides which was also fun to do as well!

Something I enjoyed about this was being able to put whatever I wanted in it and I think I did better in this then I have done in my other DLOs and something I found hard was really nothing, it was a fun experience!


7 Sacraments Work!


This week and last week our class has been learning about the Sacraments and what they mean. There are the Sacraments of Initiation which are Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation, Sacraments of Healing which are Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick and then Sacraments of Commitment which are Marriage and the Holy Orders.

For these we had to do a bunch of activities about them and it took me a while to do all of them but i finally finished! 

Something I enjoyed about doing this was being able to use different sites for each DLO I did and something I found hard was using Scratch shapes because it was kinda hard to draw on it but I had to use it though, but I got it done ;A;

Here is my first one: (I used book creator)

My second one: (I just used Canva)

My third one: 

And last I screen castifyed it and I had given up at the end to ;w;

(The book creator one might not be up right now but it will be up soon!)

Hope you all have a great day <3 ;)

Thursday 17 September 2020

Student Summit Toolkit!


For about 2 weeks now a group of students have been getting ready to present for the Student Summit Toolkit;) This day included all the schools in the Uru Manuka cluster! They had to prepare a slide, showing how to use different sites for learning, and the other schools were also making their own slides for it as well. They also had to be prepared because they would be presenting it on google hangouts!

The day before this we had to fill out a form picking which ones we wanted to learn about and we were also told we had to bring our head/ear phones or else we wouldn´t be able to join in! We had it today and we had to go onto the sessions at certain times and after the session we were to fill out a form giving feedback!

One of the sessions I joined was learning how to draw shapes on scratch! I had to join this call twice because on the sessions it said that for me;( In the video we learnt how to code it to make the pen draw the shape for us. I also had to ask them to slow down a couple of times because I kept getting confused but then it was ok! After learning how to code it we had to make 2 shapes of our own but that was kinda hard...

Another one of the sessions was learning how to use stop motion animation which was pretty fun and easy as well! All we had to do was get an object like paper and then move it around while taking pictures of it and it came out really cool! 

Something I liked about this was being able to interact with other students and something I found hard was trying to follow what they were doing without getting lost.

Hope you liked this blog post and ciao~

Tuesday 1 September 2020

Pope Inquiry!


Last week for one of the R.E lessons we were doing we had to make an inquiry about the Pope and these were the 5 different topics that we could make it about:

Important events in the life of Pope Francis - Popes of the 21st Century - The Pope’s Home (The Vatican) - An Encyclical written by the Pope - Pick your own topic

After picking one of these topics ( I chose important events in the life of Pope Francis) we had to make three question using When or What for the first one, How or Why for the second and Is, Could, Would or Should for the last. After making the questions we had to give three answers for each question. I made my Inquiry on a slideshow!

Something I found hard about this was I didn't really what kind of question I should've used but I think these are good;)

Something I liked about this was reading all the info about what the Pope had done in his life!

Tuesday 25 August 2020

Maori Art

 Kia Ora!

This week and the following weeks our class will be focusing on art for topic! The first thing that we needed to do was learn about the kind of art that we will be doing and so we are learning about Maori art ;) Maori art includes specifically Korus and Kowhaiwhai so we had to learn about the different things they are used for and what they signify. After reading about the different things we had to answer the questions what, how and why they are used as well. 


What are Korus and Kowhaiwhai used for? : They are used to tell the history of Maori and the tribe that you are in and Koru's are used for the Kowhaiwhai design.

How are they used?: They are usually used on ceilings in places like Maraes and they are also tattooed on which is the kind of design used for a Moko or it can be carved and also for Maori art!

Why are they used?: The Koru is used because it symbolizes peace, new life, growth and strength and it's name means loop in Maori because it uncurls while it is growing! 

Monday 10 August 2020

Venn Diagram about Pirate Jobs!

This week and last week we had to make a Venn diagram about pirates and their jobs on deck. On one side we had to put pirates that work on land and on the other side we had to put jobs of pirates that work at sea and then in the middle it was the jobs that were on both. 

Something we also had to include was what job we would want to do if we were a pirate. I would be a Cabin Boy ;) I don't really know why I would want to be a Cabin Boy but that was the one that I was most interested in! 

Something I found hard about this was that I was kind of confused on which one they went on and I still am but I tried ;) 

Something I liked was reading about the different jobs of the pirates.

What pirate job would you choose to do if you could?

Tuesday 4 August 2020

Piracy Throughout the Years :0

Hii! This week and last week for topic we had to make a timeline about piracy throughout the years. It had to be from the 15th century to the 20th which is now. Me and a lot of people were writing down notes about each century and the different pirates because we had to include where exactly they would operate and we could include famous pirates in that century. It was kinda hard to find pirates in the 19th and 18th century but I completed it so that was okay. ;)

 Something I enjoyed about making this timeline was putting all the info onto the timeline because it was fast and easy. Something I found hard was like how I said it was kinda hard to look for info about the 18th and 19th century and it was also kind of hard to write about a bunch of different pirates but yea. 

Here is my time line ;w;

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Cipher Wheels

Hi! This week we were learning about codes and mostly cipher wheels ;) 

We had to make our own cipher wheels on Tuesday and we had to make some codes and give it to our buddy and with those codes they had to try and crack it using the cipher wheels and then find the treasure that we hid which was a crunchie bar :)
Something I found hard about this was at the beginning I didn't understand it but it was OK because Ms Wilton explained it to our class so it was algoods after that.

Something  Iliked about this was finding the treasure that Tweeny hid for me because I thought it was fun having to crack the code before hand. 

Here's my cipher wheel.

Wednesday 1 July 2020


Aloha ;0

This week for reading we were assigned more Matariki work! This time we learned about Pleiades around the world and we had to pick a country and learn about what there kind of symbol for Matariki is;)

I chose Japan as mine and we had to make a DLO to teach other people about what we learnt from this and so I did mine on canva.

Something I like about this activity was the learning part because I liked learning about what symbol of Matariki they used to represent it. Something I found hard about this was I was kind of confused at the start about what we actually had to do but it was much easier once someone explained to me what it was that we had to do. 

Tuesday 30 June 2020

RE Comics!!

Konnichiwa Everyone;) 

Today in RE we did Key Idea 4 and watched a video and after watching the video we had to do the first task on the site which was watch three videos about what Jesus did after getting baptized and then we needed to either make a timeline or a comic of what happened after Jesus' baptism! Here are the links to the three videos.  1 st video, 2nd and 3rd!!!

Something I liked about this activity was you could put what you wanted to put in the comic or timeline and something I found hard was trying to look for a good picture to use because I used canva and all the photos were pro so I couldn't use them so I traced my own Jesus and John the baptist, so, that was alright!

Here's my comic ;)

Hope you liked it and have a great day!

Monday 29 June 2020

The Baptism Of Jesus (News Report)

Kia Ora Everyone!

Last week in our class in RE we had to watch a video at the start and then do 2 activities afterwards. One of the activities was about when Mary was first told about being chosen to be the mother of Gods son Jesus and the other activity was about when Jesus was baptized by John the baptist in the Jordan river and on the second activity we had to do a news report about the baptism.

I used a News Reporter generator to make it look like an actual news report in a newspapers so that was cool ;)

I didn't find anything hard with writing about this news report and it was nice because it was an easy task to do! Something I liked was using the News Reporter generator thing like I said because I just thought it was cool!

Disclaimer: My writing piece is pretty small and in the generator thing all the left over space is kind of like another made up story about something so you don't have to read the other things in the newspaper report ;)

Here it is! ( I couldn't show the top of the news report because there wasn't enough room but it said Sunday Times at the top ;) )

Thursday 25 June 2020


This week we have been set a task about Matariki since it is coming up soon.

There were four sites we had to go on to collect info about Matariki and there were also 2 videos as well! In one of the sites we also had to do a quiz about Matariki and I did mine in a doc. After going though all of these sites we had to create a DLO talking about Matariki and sharing our info we have learnt. 

I used powtoon for my DLO! 

Here is the link to the Powtoon 

Hope you liked it ;)

Wednesday 17 June 2020

The Holy Spirit


Yesterday we were learning about the different names of the Spirit of God we were assigned a gospel to read and then we had to try and figure out which name they were referring to. When I did it with my buddy we got Gardener as the name of the Spirit of God and then we had to draw a kind of symbol to represent it on a piece of paper and it had to look presentable because it was going on the wall!

We drew a forest with a gardener in it and put the bible reference! Today we could choose to either use that one or choose another bible verse to do and I chose to do another bible verse. In the verse they were referring to the Spirit of God as Mother Eagle so I drew an Eagle! 

The verse was from Deuteronomy 32:11 and in the verse it was referring to God as Mother Eagle because he is always looking over us and protecting us like an Eagle with their children would do. 

I think ways I can show that I have the Holy Spirit in me is by showing the fruits of the spirit and just trying my best to forgive others and treat others the way that I would've wanted to be treated. 

Here is the picture that I drew! 

Hope you liked it and have a great week! ;)

Friday 12 June 2020

Reading Activites!

Kia Ora everyone!

This week in school we could do what ever subject we wanted to do and complete our work in that subject so I mainly worked on doing reading work most of the time.

Our teacher decided to change the way that we were doing our activities because before we would do the same activities every year and it was getting boring, so now we have cards that have different texts on them. I chose mainly the drawing ones!

Something that's also new to reading is that if we do some work and we really like it then we can ask Ms Wilton if she can hang it on the wall and so we have a lot of different activities that people have done, hung on the wall and I think that it looks really cool.

I did an activity where we had to change the cover of the book and make our own and include the author and illustrator and Ms Wilton already hung that up on the wall! I did another activity where we had to make a house for the main character in the story that we were reading. In my house I kind of made it messy because the character in the book has a car and the car is really messy and he never has the time to clean it or is just too lazy to clean it so, I feel like that would also happen in his house as well. 

It's really blurry but I added a bedroom, lounge, front door kind of looking in and a kitchen!

Something I liked about this was the drawing part I kind of gave up on colouring but I still like the way it looked.

I didn't find anything hard doing this activity and actually really liked it!

Hope you liked this post ;)

Thursday 21 May 2020

Pick A Path Story "The Field Trip"

Aloha Everyone!

Through quarantine in writing we have been working on a Pick A Path Story. I finished mine at home in quarantine and then at school Ms Wilton wanted us to make some pictures for our story and so I made 2! One of the main girl Lily and her teacher Mrs Brown;)

I found it fun writing the story because we could do whatever we wanted but we had to kind of base if off of the woods but mine wasn't really about the woods that much:) It was still nice getting to write though. Something that I found hard in this was coming up with things to write about like what was going to happen next because I didn't really know where the story was going so I tried my best. It was also kind of hard putting everything in the google form because I had a lot of sections and some things weren't going where they were supposed to go when you clicked on it but i fixed that all up!

Here is my pic a path story and hope you liked it!


Even though we are going to school and things are getting better, still remember to wash your hands everyday!!! 


Monday 18 May 2020

Becoming More Like Jesus!

Annyeonghaseyo Everyone!

Since in New Zealand we have gone down to Level 2 with the COVID - 19 we were going back to school today. Some people were very excited to see everybody or just to go back and some liked home school better. I also liked home school a lot but it's nice to see everyone! In our school we are still trying our best to keep our distance and we had to bring tissues, a bottle because we aren't allowed to use the fountain and hand sanitizer. 

Since its been a while since we've been in school we mostly just worked on one thing which was our RE and we got to work on writing afterwards. In the RE it was to make a DLO about becoming more like Jesus. So teaching people about what they can do to become more like Jesus. I liked this activity because it was easy to do and we had the whole day for it. 

I made a Powtoon for it and I think this is the first time I've made a Powtoon for a blog post!

You might have already known this about I hope it did help a little bit more;)

Even though we are already at Level 2 and if we go down to Level 1 or its fully stopped, make sure to still wash your hands!

Sunday 3 May 2020

States Of Matter

Aloha everyone!

This week on Friday we were given the task to learn about the States Of Matter! We had to look through the slideshow that talked about the 3 different types of matter which were solid, liquid and gas! After looking through the slideshow and reading everything there was a google form to do to test you on how much you learnt from it! I got 12/12 from it. After this there was the activity! In the activity it was teaching us about the matters and we had to make oobleck but on our hangout call Ms Wilton said if we don´t have the ingredients for oobleck we can make something else because its just supposed to be showing the changes. She even said we could just make an omelette and put cheese in it because it would melt and you can´t change that back into it form so I did!

I made a cheese omelette to show a change of matter. The eggs were like a liquid matter because it changed its shape to fit into the bowl or the pan, and the cheese was a solid because it stayed the same if I put it in the eggs. But when it was done the egg turned into a solid and the cheese melted. It kinda looked bad cause it kept breaking when I was trying to lift it from the pan ;(

I gave it to my sister cause I don´t like cheese but she said it was good!

Something I found hard was making this omelette and I don´t know why I think it was the transferring part and it took agesss

Something I liked about this was learning more about the different types of matter!

Friday 24 April 2020


Konnichiwa everyone! 

This is one of the last posts I´ll be doing today! So as a lot of you may now ANZAC Day is tomorrow! Last term we did a lot of activities near the end of the term for ANZAC Day and we were given today to again complete one or more activities that were related to ANZAC Day if we had the things for it or if we had enough time.

There were 4 activities that we could choose out of or do all of them and I chose to make the ANZAC Biscuits and DLO about the ANZAC Biscuits. I took 3 pictures for my ANZAC Biscuits. I also didn´t have any shredded coconuts for it.

Here is my ANZAC Biscuit Poster!

Heres the mixture!

It was kind of dry so I added a bit more hot water and since I didn´t have any more butter I just put canola oil :(

In the beginning I didn´t check if we had enough butter and ended up not having enough:( but it was okay still. I also remembered to wash my hands before I started baking. REMEMBER TO DO THAT IT IS VERY IMPORTANT!!! When I had made the mixture and put it on the tray I opened the oven and realized that there were trays in there while it was preheating and I panicked but my dad said it was alright! 

In the instructions it says to bake for about 8 - 10 mins but mine ended up going in for 20 mins! 

Here they are!

There were 10 and I had given my mum and dad one before. I shared them with my family!

I took the photos on my trampoline because I thought it would be better lighting but when I was trying to take the photo with the chrome book it just blocked out the sun :(

Something I found hard doing this was not having enough butter and I was trying to get all of the butter out but on the food scale it said there was only 60g out of it ;(

Something I enjoyed with this was the finished product because it tasted really good and I enjoyed sharing them!

In the end I had loads of fun doing this activity and I cant wait for ANZAC Day and to get more butter so I can make more tomorrow! 

Reading Activities

Hello again!

 I am posting my reading work and in our reading work we had to just try and finish as many activities as we could in the amount of time that we were given! After that we had to choose one activity that we wanted to post onto the blog so I chose the activity that I did that was supposed to be like an interview!

Here it is!

News Reporter: There have been reports of an unwashable truck that was finally defeated by a young boy who´s name is Sam. It seems it was a normal day for Sam until his dad came and asked him if he could wash his truck. Sam would get 10 dollars for his reward. As he went outside he was shocked at this monstrous truck. It seemed as if it was unwashable even. But it was no match for Sam and he conquered the truck!! 

 We have reached out to Sam and he is here with us today to have an interview about how he felt at the time fighting with this unwashable truck.

 Interviewer: Hi Sam! How are you today? 

 Sam: I´m feeling good! 

 Interviewer: That´s great! So you know why you´re here today right? 

 Sam: Yes I do. Because I deafeated the not so unwashable truck? 

 Interviewer: Correct! So shall we get started with the questions? 

 Sam: Sure! 

 Interviewer: Great! Okay, when you first saw the truck how did you feel? 

 Sam: Well at first I didn´t even see the truck until I realized the big mountain of mud and dirt WAS the truck. When that happened I was shocked at how gigantic it was but that didn´t stop me from not giving up on trying to clean it. I was really driven to getting that 10 dollars! 

 Interviewer: Wow! I feel like you should have gotten more than 10 dollars for that. So how did you feel while battling the monstrosity? 

Sam: I felt really optimistic with this and it was like slaying a dragon to me! Every time a tactic would fail I would try a different one until I finally got it. My SoakMaster 6000 never lets me down!

Interviewer: I wish I was as persistent as you! Was there anytime you thought that you couldn´t possibly defeat the truck? 

Sam: Actually yes. The only thing that I had left was my SoakMaster 6000, I had no other plan then that and I was praying it would work and just like that it did! In the end I got my 10 dollars and I turned into the mud mountain because all the mud transferred off the truck and onto me for some reason. 

Interviewer: Wow that must´ve been hard to wash off, a challenge right after another challenge. Well thank you for your time and we´re so happy that you could make it today! 

Sam: It´s no problem! 

(Interview Ends) 

News Reporter: Well that was our time with Sam. He's the boy who defeated the not so unwashable truck! If you ever need help with your truck or vehicle call on Sam, he´ll come with his trusty SoakMaster 6000 and will make sure the job is done!
Hope you liked this post and will stick around for more!

Remember to wash your hands and stay home as much as you possibly can!

Growing In Virtues

Kia Ora Everyone!
 How have you guys been through quarantine? I´ve been doing well and trying to post all my work and get as much done as i can! We were given last week and 2 days to complete an RE activity that had a lot of steps to it. We had to make sure that we went in order as well. Through this RE lesson the people in my class should have now known the meaning for virtue and growing in virtue.

The first activity that we had to do was a google form. I think it was to see how much we knew already about virtues or what we think it was about. We then had to watch a video with a priest talking about virtues and then read about virtues. The next activity was to name 3 virtues and explain what they mean and then we had to do another google form. After that we had to watch the story of the rainbow fish and the second to last step was to answer a doc full of questions. The last and final step was then to make 2 DLOs about virtues! 

We needed to also add in our schools values so I put that in in my last DLO, I had done the first DLO last week and then kind of forgot about the second one until 2 days ago so I finished it then. 

Here are my DLOs

In this activity as you can see we had to make a Venn Diagram  we had to write the actions of Jesus on one side and the actions of people who show that hey are virtuous. In the middle we had to show how people can try and grow in virtue by trying to be like Jesus.

In this activity we had to think about ways we would grow in virtue. In the rain drops we had to write situations that help people grow in virtue and then in the leaves we had to write virtues that we would like to grow in.

I hope you liked this post and that you and your family are safe at home!

Friday 17 April 2020

Chocolate Mug Cake!!!

Kia Ora everyone!
Hope you are all staying safe at home! So as you may know we are still in quarantine and have online school. On Fridays my class would usually be going to tech (Technology) today so it was kind of like our own tech at home! We were assigned to watch a cool video about physical and chemical changes! In the video it showed examples of physical and chemical changes and underneath the video there were paragraphs that summarized the meaning of physical and chemical changes.

Chemical change means: Chemical change is when a new kind of substance is made e.g if you mix a gummy bear with hydroxide together it makes a gas which is a kind of substance!

Physical change means: A physical change is when there is no new substance made e.g if you put mentos into coke it will start to fizz and carbon dioxide will come out of it. This is still a physical change because carbon dioxide is one of the things that are used to make coke!

So after taking in all the new information that i had learned it was time to move onto doing an activity! There were 4 different science experiments that we could choose from and we could either do all or just one. I chose to do one activity. By the title you can tell what experiment i chose to do, but if not I decided on making a Chocolate Mug Cake! 

While i was making it I was kind of worrying about it overflowing but when it came out it was actually small! I actually had made one in the morning but then just ate it and forgot to take a picture of it. oops. So i made another one remembering to take a picture before eating it. After making another one I didn´t like it as much as the first time and ended up not finishing it but it was still pretty good :).  After cleaning up everything I got it out of the microwave when it had finished.

It looked kind of weird the second time i made it but it was all good!

After taking it out and making sure to take a picture of it i topped it with ice cream and sprinkles and some chocolate. Yes i did eat 2 but the first time it had nothing on it and I was sharing it with my sister and mom!

For the experiments the reason we  had to try at least one out was because it was to see if we thought there was a physical or chemical change in it. For me I thought that this was physical change because all that happened was the appearance of it changed. So It was only a physical change that happened.

I didnt really have any troubles with doing this experiment and it was actually really fun and easy to complete! 

Here is the link to the way to make the Chocolate Mug Cake if you are interested in making a quick and easy dessert!

Like i´ve said before hope everyone is staying safe and remember to stay home and wash your hands!

Wednesday 1 April 2020

Under The Bed

Kia Ora Everyone! 

We have cut a week off from school so now it is the school holidays! But I am still finishing work that I haven´t done or completed finished yet and I have just finished my writing activity that I needed to do! In the writing activity there was a slideshow which had 1 picture in each slideshow and there were boxes with questions in them that we had to answer. For instance one of the pictures was of a boy looking under his bed and it seemed that something had frightened him and here there were questions about how he felt and what was under the bed etc. There were 10 slides and pictures that we could pick out of and I chose the one about the boy looking under his bed! I put all my work in a google doc and for one of the activities it included drawing so I did it in a google drawing!

Here´s my work!

Question Time

Question: What was the noise that Michael heard?
Answer: Michael heard knocks and tapping coming from underneath his bed trying to lure him in.

Question: What did he see under the bed? 
Answer: He first saw scratch marks on the wooden floor of his bed and the hands and long jagged nails that did that to his floor and as he looked up there were two bloodshot red eyes staring at him with a menacing glowing smile. 

Question: What will happen next? 
Answer: The mysterious being ended up talking to Michael and Michael thought that he just made a new friend but really this is all part of the creatures plan to capture him. 

Question: How did he feel when he first heard the noise? 
Answer: He was drowned with a feeling of dread and was instantly thinking about running to his mum 

Question: How did he feel when he looked under the bed? 
Answer: When he looked under the bed he was taken aback and frightened of what he just saw because that was not a normal thing and he was questioning how long that thing had been under there.

Question: What time of day do you think it is? 
Answer: I think that it is night time because he is wearing pyjamas and he was lying in bed at the time. 

Question: Have you ever been frightened of anything? 
Answer: Yes. When I was younger I used to be so scared to sleep by myself at night because I felt as if someone was watching me while I was sleeping. I´m actually scared of a LOT of things. 

Question: Why do things seem more frightening at night? 
Answer: I think it's because it's more dark and everything has shadows to it and when the lights are turned off your mind can see things that aren't really there like you could think that something looks like a monster sitting in your room when it's just laundry. 

Sentence Challenge

 The sounds of tutting comes from underneath the bed. This tutting noise slowly starts mutating into a low growl then an aggressive growl threatening to jump out at any time.

Story Starter

The scuttling noise had disturbed Michael, and he’d shot bolt upright in bed. After taking a deep breath, he flung himself onto the smooth wooden boards of his bedroom floor and took a peek…

Staring into pitch darkness he seemed to have noticed something weird along the wooden floor boards. Scratch marks. But these were no ordinary scratch. They were jagged and looked as if a tiger was clawing at the floor. But how could that be? There definitely was not a tiger underneath his bed. Right? *grrr* A low growling noise made little Michael take aback. He jumped a bit but got the courage to ask who was there. ¨Uhm hello?¨”asked Michael nervously. *grr* another low growl answered Michael but it seemed to have gotten louder which meant it was either being loud to scare him or coming closer. ¨Hi. If 
anyone´s there it's alright to come out. I won't hurt you. I'll even become friends with you if you want to. Hello?¨ 

 It seemed that Michael´s kindness was not paying off anything and it looked as if the creature would not attack. Michael thought to himself¨Maybe it just wants to stay underneath my bed. Yeah. Maybe it doesn't have a home and that's the only place it can stay.¨

 Michael slowly climbed back into bed having a slight feeling of nervousness and kindness in his heart. He felt bad for whatever was underneath his bed so he didn't want to tell his mum. Well this was a very poor choice to make. *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* ¨Hello?” Michael was starting to get a bit annoyed and scared by this thing that was staying underneath his bed. *Scrape* *Scrape* It sounded like the thing was scratching the floor!?

 Michael swiftly jumped off of his bed and lay on the floor trying to catch this creature, but as Michael looked into the darkness he screamed a terrifying scream and when his mother came running she found Michael in tears rocking back and forth on the ground…

Perfect Picture!

Can you draw a picture of what Michael saw under the bed?

Hope everyone is safe and again try to stay home as much as possible and wash your hands daily! 

Saturday 28 March 2020

ANZAC Activities!

Since ANZAC Day is coming up our class was set to do some ANZAC Activities while at home due to COVID - 19. In these activities we had to make different DLOs for the activities that were set and we had to post 2 from the activities that we have completed. There were 8 activities that needed to be done. 

The first activity that I did was to try and come up with a creative way for people to still acknowledge the ANZAC´s  because since the COVID - 19 has spread very quickly and we can´t go into big groups all ANZAC services were cancelled. So I decided that we should dress up in red on the ANZAC day! I made this poster on Canva.
Here is my poster.

Another activity that I did was 10 items that I would miss if I were a soldier having to go to Gallipoli.  Here we had to give detail about these 10 items that we would miss if we had to leave. So I made my poster on Piktochart for this one because it´s a big space that can be used when Canva is a very limited space if you want to just use one box and fit it in. 
So here is my poster! 

Something I found hard with making these is on Canva I had a bit of trouble with the space and it was a bit hard trying to fit in everything. Something I found hard with my other poster was trying to make it able to read what was on it because I wanted the background to have a war theme but you couldn´t really see the writing properly so I was trying to see what I could do for that. 

Something I liked with making these poster was doing all the fonts and the backgrounds and just designing it mostly.

I hoped you liked my blog post and remember to stay home,wash your hands daily and don´t touch your face!!!

Friday 27 March 2020

Maori Dictionary

Kia Ora Everyone!

 This week because of COVID - 19 all schools have had to lock down which lead into online school. We have been doing all of our school work at home and for RE we had to kind of make a glossary for some Maori words and make a DLO for it. We had to also think about SISOMO again which is Sight, Sound and Motion so if someone has a disability with hearing we have to think about how they can get the message so I made a DLO using Piktochart and used Screencastify to record my voice while showing my DLO still! 
I have been sick through the week and I have a sore throat so I had to keep redoing my Screencastify but I was ok with this!

Here it is. 

Friday 20 March 2020

Do You Know What An ANZAC Mascot Is?

Kia Ora! 

These few weeks we have been learning more about ANZAC Day and writing about how it was and reading stories. This week we have been reading and learning about ANZAC Mascots which were animals that soldiers brought to war for many different reasons e.g comfort.

This week we were given 2 activities and the first one was to make a DLO (Digital Learning Object) on what we have learnt about how mascots were used in the war and the second was to make our own ANZAC Mascots and we had to show how it could help the soldiers while they are fighting in the war!

I put all of these things in a slideshow because it all related together and it was easier to do.

Something I enjoyed with making this was definitely tracing my Mascot because it was so CUTE!

I didn´t actually struggle with anything and enjoyed doing all the tasks!

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Father Francis Vernon Douglas

Kia Ora! This week and last week we have been learning about two priests named Father Maximilian Kolbe and Father Francis Vernon Douglas. There were two readings that told us about the lives of them and how they died and there was one video for Father Maximilian Kolbe. After we had read both of these or watched the video as well then we had to pick one to make a DLO for. I chose Father Maximilian Kolbe.

In the DLO we had to answer 4 questions that were given to us, the questions that we were given were ¨Who was he?" ¨What was his cause?¨ ¨ Who did he upset and why?¨ "How did his work of love lead him to death?¨

Something that we had to think about while we were making these DLO´s was SISOMO which stands for Sight, Sound and Motion and so if someone has a disability with their vision we have to be able to make something where they can still understand it so I used Voki which is a website where you can write things into the text box and there is a person that reads it out!  

I wasn´t able to fit in my answer for the last question because it only allows 600 characters in the text space so my answer to ¨How did his work of love lead him to death?¨ Answer : He was lead to death because he wanted to stay and be by his peoples side while they were fighting and he wouldn´t say anything about them while he was being tortured and kept quiet the whole time¨

Something that I found hard in this was trying to summarize my answers myself without using words that aren´t mine. 

Something that I enjoyed was using Voki and playing around with it because there are so many different types of characters that you can choose from!

Friday 6 March 2020

ANZAC Diary Entry

WALT use descriptive language

This week for writing we wrote a diary entry for being in the war and in the diary entry we had to be really descriptive with our writing. We used an attribute chart to help us with our writing and give us more descriptive words to use. We had to write words for see, hear, location, movement and temperature!

At the beginning of this we read a book called ¨The ANZAC Violin¨ Written by Jennifer Beck and Illustrated by Robyn Belton. This is where we got our theme from! We could choose a place that we would write about like being on a boat or being hit and what we did. My writing was being on a boat.

Something that I enjoyed about writing was the descriptive words that we had to put in, and something that I found hard was trying to come up with exciting things to write about.

I hope you like the writing!

As the ocean crashes against the boat a nauseous feeling overcomes my body threatening to burst at any moment but I do my best to contain it. Looking out to sea the unsteady swaying of the boat is not helping at the least to make me feel better. BOOM. The deafening sound of bombs going off takes away the feeling of nausea and everything else. A freezing sensation travels up my spine as I follow the direction of the next bomb firing down.

 The next bomb pulses the sea and the boat starts shaking recklessly. The restless howls of bombs ache my ears each second of the ride and I try blocking it out but the screams seem to be getting inside my head. I give up. I'm faced with the feeling of nausea over again and my face turns light green. Trying my best to tame the feeling for just a few more minutes it's useless. I feel something chunky and wet climbing up my throat at a high speed. I sprint as fast as I can to the nearest window but itś too late. The substance bursts out like lava flowing from a volcano onto the floor. Nonstop.

Friday 14 February 2020

Signs Of Culture

On Wednesday our class was set to find different signs of culture in the school, rather it be Catholic culture or different cultures around the world! It just had to be a sign of culture. We had to work with a buddy and we had to draw 6 different pictures of our best drawing of them.

Something I enjoyed was going around the school and finding the different signs of culture that there was.

Something I found hard was the drawing of it because it took me a while to try and make it a bit similar to the actual thing.

I think something that I would do differently is maybe try and look a bit deeper into the different signs in school. 

I didn´t get to finish my last one but I drew the Prayer Garden entrance, the classroom number sign and the CERR Value pictures that I did haven´t finished yet.