
Wednesday 23 September 2020

Maths DLO


Since this week I´m pretty sure, I have been working on a maths DLO for changing improper fractions into whole numbers and vice versa on book creator which has been really fun to do! I found it really fun to use and it was also my first time using it to ;w;. I also didn´t find anything about it hard at all so that was nice to but I´m not able to post it rn but it will be coming later on. 

I think you should all use this app sometime to! 


Maori Language Week!

 Kia Ora ;)

Last week, as you may know, was Maori Language week! Since it was Maori Language week in our reading tasks we had to make a DLO of some sort teaching about Maori and the different things to it like the alphabet for example. This was also when our class learnt about a site called book creator which we use a lot now!

I was going to do it on book creator but then I kind of got annoyed and ended up doing it on google slides which was also fun to do as well!

Something I enjoyed about this was being able to put whatever I wanted in it and I think I did better in this then I have done in my other DLOs and something I found hard was really nothing, it was a fun experience!


7 Sacraments Work!


This week and last week our class has been learning about the Sacraments and what they mean. There are the Sacraments of Initiation which are Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation, Sacraments of Healing which are Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick and then Sacraments of Commitment which are Marriage and the Holy Orders.

For these we had to do a bunch of activities about them and it took me a while to do all of them but i finally finished! 

Something I enjoyed about doing this was being able to use different sites for each DLO I did and something I found hard was using Scratch shapes because it was kinda hard to draw on it but I had to use it though, but I got it done ;A;

Here is my first one: (I used book creator)

My second one: (I just used Canva)

My third one: 

And last I screen castifyed it and I had given up at the end to ;w;

(The book creator one might not be up right now but it will be up soon!)

Hope you all have a great day <3 ;)

Thursday 17 September 2020

Student Summit Toolkit!


For about 2 weeks now a group of students have been getting ready to present for the Student Summit Toolkit;) This day included all the schools in the Uru Manuka cluster! They had to prepare a slide, showing how to use different sites for learning, and the other schools were also making their own slides for it as well. They also had to be prepared because they would be presenting it on google hangouts!

The day before this we had to fill out a form picking which ones we wanted to learn about and we were also told we had to bring our head/ear phones or else we wouldn´t be able to join in! We had it today and we had to go onto the sessions at certain times and after the session we were to fill out a form giving feedback!

One of the sessions I joined was learning how to draw shapes on scratch! I had to join this call twice because on the sessions it said that for me;( In the video we learnt how to code it to make the pen draw the shape for us. I also had to ask them to slow down a couple of times because I kept getting confused but then it was ok! After learning how to code it we had to make 2 shapes of our own but that was kinda hard...

Another one of the sessions was learning how to use stop motion animation which was pretty fun and easy as well! All we had to do was get an object like paper and then move it around while taking pictures of it and it came out really cool! 

Something I liked about this was being able to interact with other students and something I found hard was trying to follow what they were doing without getting lost.

Hope you liked this blog post and ciao~

Tuesday 1 September 2020

Pope Inquiry!


Last week for one of the R.E lessons we were doing we had to make an inquiry about the Pope and these were the 5 different topics that we could make it about:

Important events in the life of Pope Francis - Popes of the 21st Century - The Pope’s Home (The Vatican) - An Encyclical written by the Pope - Pick your own topic

After picking one of these topics ( I chose important events in the life of Pope Francis) we had to make three question using When or What for the first one, How or Why for the second and Is, Could, Would or Should for the last. After making the questions we had to give three answers for each question. I made my Inquiry on a slideshow!

Something I found hard about this was I didn't really what kind of question I should've used but I think these are good;)

Something I liked about this was reading all the info about what the Pope had done in his life!