
Friday 12 June 2020

Reading Activites!

Kia Ora everyone!

This week in school we could do what ever subject we wanted to do and complete our work in that subject so I mainly worked on doing reading work most of the time.

Our teacher decided to change the way that we were doing our activities because before we would do the same activities every year and it was getting boring, so now we have cards that have different texts on them. I chose mainly the drawing ones!

Something that's also new to reading is that if we do some work and we really like it then we can ask Ms Wilton if she can hang it on the wall and so we have a lot of different activities that people have done, hung on the wall and I think that it looks really cool.

I did an activity where we had to change the cover of the book and make our own and include the author and illustrator and Ms Wilton already hung that up on the wall! I did another activity where we had to make a house for the main character in the story that we were reading. In my house I kind of made it messy because the character in the book has a car and the car is really messy and he never has the time to clean it or is just too lazy to clean it so, I feel like that would also happen in his house as well. 

It's really blurry but I added a bedroom, lounge, front door kind of looking in and a kitchen!

Something I liked about this was the drawing part I kind of gave up on colouring but I still like the way it looked.

I didn't find anything hard doing this activity and actually really liked it!

Hope you liked this post ;)

1 comment:

  1. hii <3
    I like how you added detail and told us a lot about your week. And I also like how you included your Reading and showed us what you created.

    Something I think you could work on is talking about more things, like everything that happened. To make it more entertaining, instead of just one thing.

    Overall, amazing post :3

    - Mya


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