
Monday 29 June 2020

The Baptism Of Jesus (News Report)

Kia Ora Everyone!

Last week in our class in RE we had to watch a video at the start and then do 2 activities afterwards. One of the activities was about when Mary was first told about being chosen to be the mother of Gods son Jesus and the other activity was about when Jesus was baptized by John the baptist in the Jordan river and on the second activity we had to do a news report about the baptism.

I used a News Reporter generator to make it look like an actual news report in a newspapers so that was cool ;)

I didn't find anything hard with writing about this news report and it was nice because it was an easy task to do! Something I liked was using the News Reporter generator thing like I said because I just thought it was cool!

Disclaimer: My writing piece is pretty small and in the generator thing all the left over space is kind of like another made up story about something so you don't have to read the other things in the newspaper report ;)

Here it is! ( I couldn't show the top of the news report because there wasn't enough room but it said Sunday Times at the top ;) )

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