
Wednesday 17 June 2020

The Holy Spirit


Yesterday we were learning about the different names of the Spirit of God we were assigned a gospel to read and then we had to try and figure out which name they were referring to. When I did it with my buddy we got Gardener as the name of the Spirit of God and then we had to draw a kind of symbol to represent it on a piece of paper and it had to look presentable because it was going on the wall!

We drew a forest with a gardener in it and put the bible reference! Today we could choose to either use that one or choose another bible verse to do and I chose to do another bible verse. In the verse they were referring to the Spirit of God as Mother Eagle so I drew an Eagle! 

The verse was from Deuteronomy 32:11 and in the verse it was referring to God as Mother Eagle because he is always looking over us and protecting us like an Eagle with their children would do. 

I think ways I can show that I have the Holy Spirit in me is by showing the fruits of the spirit and just trying my best to forgive others and treat others the way that I would've wanted to be treated. 

Here is the picture that I drew! 

Hope you liked it and have a great week! ;)

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