
Tuesday 30 June 2020

RE Comics!!

Konnichiwa Everyone;) 

Today in RE we did Key Idea 4 and watched a video and after watching the video we had to do the first task on the site which was watch three videos about what Jesus did after getting baptized and then we needed to either make a timeline or a comic of what happened after Jesus' baptism! Here are the links to the three videos.  1 st video, 2nd and 3rd!!!

Something I liked about this activity was you could put what you wanted to put in the comic or timeline and something I found hard was trying to look for a good picture to use because I used canva and all the photos were pro so I couldn't use them so I traced my own Jesus and John the baptist, so, that was alright!

Here's my comic ;)

Hope you liked it and have a great day!

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