
Thursday 21 May 2020

Pick A Path Story "The Field Trip"

Aloha Everyone!

Through quarantine in writing we have been working on a Pick A Path Story. I finished mine at home in quarantine and then at school Ms Wilton wanted us to make some pictures for our story and so I made 2! One of the main girl Lily and her teacher Mrs Brown;)

I found it fun writing the story because we could do whatever we wanted but we had to kind of base if off of the woods but mine wasn't really about the woods that much:) It was still nice getting to write though. Something that I found hard in this was coming up with things to write about like what was going to happen next because I didn't really know where the story was going so I tried my best. It was also kind of hard putting everything in the google form because I had a lot of sections and some things weren't going where they were supposed to go when you clicked on it but i fixed that all up!

Here is my pic a path story and hope you liked it!


Even though we are going to school and things are getting better, still remember to wash your hands everyday!!! 


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