
Monday 18 May 2020

Becoming More Like Jesus!

Annyeonghaseyo Everyone!

Since in New Zealand we have gone down to Level 2 with the COVID - 19 we were going back to school today. Some people were very excited to see everybody or just to go back and some liked home school better. I also liked home school a lot but it's nice to see everyone! In our school we are still trying our best to keep our distance and we had to bring tissues, a bottle because we aren't allowed to use the fountain and hand sanitizer. 

Since its been a while since we've been in school we mostly just worked on one thing which was our RE and we got to work on writing afterwards. In the RE it was to make a DLO about becoming more like Jesus. So teaching people about what they can do to become more like Jesus. I liked this activity because it was easy to do and we had the whole day for it. 

I made a Powtoon for it and I think this is the first time I've made a Powtoon for a blog post!

You might have already known this about I hope it did help a little bit more;)

Even though we are already at Level 2 and if we go down to Level 1 or its fully stopped, make sure to still wash your hands!

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