
Tuesday 18 September 2018

The Man In The Painting

“Hurry up and get in the car” That’s what my brother said before picking me up and throwing me in his car. We were going to go to an abandoned art gallery center that had been there for more than fifty years. My brother looked it up and it was said to be haunted I begged him telling him I didn’t want to go but he forced me to come with him. When we got there a chill ran down my back I was so scared but my brother forced me to come in I declined so he left but then I started to get scared I ran after him and he called me a scaredy cat as we walked through we could see that there was still paintings in there I was actually surprised because it looked like none of them were moved but then…

As we walked past one painting I got another chill down my spine I don’t know why but I could feel someone’s eyes staring at me I turned around and looked at the painting. It was a man and a woman probably his wife both standing there with blank expressions on their faces I thought it was a weird picture but shrugged it off but as I turned away I knew someone was staring at me that’s when it happened all the paintings just started flying around I noticed my brother wasn’t there anymore I ran but then heard my brother screaming my name “MICHELLE, MICHELLE” I was so happy to hear his voice it was pitch black and I ran to where I could hear it I bumped into someone assuming it was my brother I hugged him but then my heart nearly stopped when he said “your not going anywhere” I looked up eyes wide opened and screamed that wasn’t my brother it was the man from the picture now giving me a wide lip smile that was the most creepiest thing I've ever experienced in my life I yanked my body out of him and jolted to the car as I ran I saw my brothers body on the floor.

At this point tears started flowing down my cheeks I kept running I got to the car and thankfully the keys were there, I felt guilty leaving my brother behind and seeing his body there I wonder if he was dead or just unconscious and if I would’ve had a chance to save him.

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