
Tuesday 18 September 2018

The Art Gallery

My mum pushed me in the car, it was my birthday and my mum had blindfolded me and said she was going to take me somewhere she knew I would love. At first I thought it was going to be pretty boring but when we got there and my mum took the blindfold off I was so excited she had driven us to an art gallery, I loved it because I love art and my mum knows that as well.

When we stepped inside it was beautiful, art everywhere and crafts and information about different artists but as we passed this one exhibition something just felt weird about it, it was a big rusty robot, it kind of reminded me about transformers, but then that’s when it happened.

The robot moved and blinked it’s eyes I knew I wasn’t dreaming I told my mum but she said it was just my imagination, but as soon as I was about to shrug it off the glass around it broke and the robot moved forward I screamed as loud as possible but then, it stepped on my mum I heard her screaming but then it started to die down, I started to cry. After it had moved my mum was gone I was in a whole lot of shock and wondered what had happened to her.

When I stood up the robot looked down at me and I knew if I didn’t run it would kill me I started running as fast as I could but it was to late I was caught. This was not the birthday I was planning…

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